I think that playing Bridge must be in my genes.
My Mum was a keen and competent Bridge player, as was my Nana
before her. I remember watching Nana and
her friends play Bridge when I stayed with her in the school holidays as a
young girl. Admittedly, this doesn’t sound like a very exciting holiday
activity but I quite enjoyed observing and absorbing the process, as well as witnessing
the camaraderie and shared passion around the card table. And we did lots of other things together as well, to keep the amusement levels topped up.
In the event, those days of watching ‘old’ ladies (they would
have only been in their early 60s!) playing the card game they loved have stood
me in good stead, now that I am playing the game myself. Well, ‘playing’ is an overstatement. I am learning.
I’ve just finished a comprehensive course of lessons at the
Auckland Bridge Club, under the guidance of the knowledgeable and extremely thorough
Douglas Russell. We have now progressed to a series of weekly ‘beginner’ play
nights which has us grappling with all the stuff we’ve learnt over the past
four months. Putting theory into practice – yikes, it’s not so easy, let me
assure you. It’s daunting and nerve-wracking as we get to grips with the
rules and tactics and etiquette in a real play situation, even though we are
only taking gentle baby steps and are a world away from the pressure of competitive
play. Shaming ourselves at this level is almost a given, and all part of the practice and
improvement regime. Having said this,
scores do matter, so there is a competitive element!
I am loving it, definitely, but I know that I have rather a long
way to go to be anywhere near honouring the standard of my maternal heritage!
Actually, I initially learnt Bridge 23 years ago, inspired
by my Mum’s love for the game. I was 30 years old, pregnant with my first child
and keen to find out about this Bridge lark. I completed the lessons (with Jan Cormack who
has been a fine international bridge player for many years), got a few games under
my belt, had Mum as my mentor, progressed reasonably well, loved it and then,
inevitably, baby Sam was born. Even though he was a really good baby, I
had other priorities. Juggling working motherhood was hard enough without
factoring regular card games into it (use it or lose it), so my Bridge went
rather quickly – and sadly but rightfully – out the window!
Fast forward to 2016 ... Sam and Michael are now young
adults, Brett had been expressing keenness to learn Bridge and I was very happy
to get back into it again. There was nothing to get in our way, so we signed up
for lessons. I did think about doing advanced lessons because I had some knowledge
of the game but, be assured, with a 22 year hiatus (probably even a five year
one), the beginners area is where you need to be!
Alas, Bridge does have a stigma as being a ‘boring old game
for boring old people’ but there is nothing further from the truth. There are plenty
of youngies learning alongside us more mature lot and they seem to get a kick
out of it. The ‘oldies’ are a mostly
switched-on bunch and learning now is a wise move, setting up a whole new world
to occupy time in that unavoidable ‘old age’ sphere of life.
Truth is, if you get into Bridge at a young age, there is
scope and opportunity in the game that only those who care to explore it will
ever know about.
Don’t leave it too late to learn (60s is fine, 50s is better, 40s is great, 30s is superb and earlier is ideal) as, not only
will you have fun, you will be giving your brain vital survival skills as the
years advance. Bridge is a wonderful way to work out the mind, retain memory skills
and, in turn, help fend off dementia. It’s also a great way to happily and
purposefully spend your time when retirement comes calling, offering a good
dose of challenge and satisfaction.
Being able to sort your bidding and organise and remember play
is a sure sign your brain is in good form. Or not.
I do suggest getting dexterous with those cards early on. Being
able to sort cards smoothly, fan them deftly, hold them adeptly, place your
dummy swiftly (and proficiently) and play the cards skilfully – these are all
part of the skills of a good Bridge player. Don’t underestimate any facet of
In essence, becoming an international Bridge player is a real
possibility for any talented, dedicated and savvy player, if you get in early
enough.Don't leave it until you are too "old"!
Having a lifelong passion and many friendships along the way
is a given, no matter your age or ability.
And ... an astute Bridge mind is a sharp mind indeed.
To the game itself
There are so many layers to this hugely complex – and ultimately
highly addictive – game. As I learn each new piece of the puzzle, I marvel at
how anyone could ever have invented it. It
may seem perplexing to the uninitiated, but once you understand the complex and
utterly inspired bidding system (again, how does someone devise this!?) then
you are on your way to participating in a game that makes addiction seem like a
most excellent thing. From what I can gather, Bridge becomes a compulsion, an
obsession, a craving, once you step right inside the arena.
There are only 38 calls in the Bridge bidding vocabulary and
you must determine your contract through a series of fine-tuned and highly
explanatory bids. Imagine making a critical decision by using
only 38 words. That’s Bridge! Giving information, receiving it, responding,
considering, fine-tuning, finalising ... it’s a tough brain dance.
And then ... you have to play
the hand!
Now, the bidding is absolutely critical because you really
do need to find the right contract. But,
once you’ve got that sorted (hopefully!), you must play your cards right and make
that contract. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the crucial part. Your score depends on it.
So, first, you have the bidding, the auction, which is
CRITICAL to find the right contract.
And then you have the playing, the strategy, which is CRUCIAL
to make that contract and get your points. It’s all about making a plan,
drawing trumps, finessing, card counting – you really can’t miss a trick!
It’s about decisions and tactics and excellent communication. Being in tune with your Bridge partner is a very important factor in getting all this right.
Brett and I have achieved a pretty good life partnership so far, now let's see if we can create a good Bridge partnership ...!
Etymology and brief background
The name Bridge is
an anglicised version of Biritch (Russian
Whist), a card game which emanated, in the 19th Century, from Whist, a relatively simple trick-taking
card game that is still popular today.
Contract Bridge is, in effect, a highly complex extension and
evolution of Whist. The card game “500”
has similarities to Bridge and is an excellent stepping stone but, it must be
said that Bridge is infinitely more intricate and tactical, with many
subtleties and variations, oodles of room for error, scope for risk-taking for
those that dare and frustration for those that don’t.
Bottom line, there is plenty of delight and fulfilment to be
had. And what’s more, there is no limit to the learning. I highly recommend it.
We love it already but I know that we haven’t even started
Let us journey on and experience every wonderful nuance the
game has to offer.
1 Spade opening bid ! |